Bad thoughts lead to bad feelings lead to bad actions


Why do I say some of the things I say to my mate?  Why have my interaction with my mate changed from the early years?

This series is based on notes from a married couples Sunday School Class I have taught for more than seven years. The responses to the questions are from people in the class.

Consider the state of your the mind.  Do I think of my mate as I did in the early years? My thoughts produce the fruits of my life. There is a reason God instructs us to think on good things.  Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”  If bad thoughts lead to bad feelings lead to bad actions.  Then, good thoughts lead to good feelings lead to good actions

James tells us that we are tempted in our minds and we react through our emotions. If we are to stop the cycle of bad actions, we must become mature in Christ and control our minds. We can all state reasons for our actions that we do not relate to the state of  our minds.  When asked why we have bad actions the class gave the following answers (note that only one answer speaks to the state of mind):

1) To get even

2) To pay back

3) To help me get through

4) Don’t know how to express actions in any other way;

5) Get it off my chest

6) Not in the will of God at the moment

7) Selfishness

8) make my mate feel bad also

9) pride

10) not using emotional intelligence.

All of these are emotional reactions are based on the state of the mind.

Three must-haves for a good marriage:

1) God

2) Wiliness to forgive quickly

3) Wiliness to love through issues.

Something to think about: A fault in our mate is an opportunity for improvement in us.

~ Fred Youngblood

Article by Fred Youngblood