Defining Love! The Search For True Love

Defining Love

How do you define love?

When it comes to defining love you would think it needs no explanation. Love is Love, but not necessarily. Let me explain, people hold different definitions of love. Some may define love as caring for someone, others may define it as a magnetic force drawing two people together, while most see it as a feeling deep in side you have for another.

Understanding love is critical to finding & giving true love.

How you define love will determine how you give it, and will also determine how you receive it. For example, if I define love by giving gifts. I will most likely give love by giving gifts, and will look to receive love the same way. A woman could be nurturing, caring, and supportive of me, but I could feel she doesn’t love me, because of her lack of gifts.

Jesus refines love for us all.

Humanity is not the author of love. Though we hijack it, and redefine it, to understand true love we must understand God’s love for us. In this relationship podcast episode we talk about defining love, the different definitions of love, and the search for true love. This is a topic that anyone desiring to love and be loved should hear.

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Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

Photo via Visual hunt

Article by PastorWallace