Do’s and Don’ts of Text Messaging in Marriage

helping isn't helping

Messaging bad habits in marriages have lead to more unnecessary conflicts than I care to count. Don’t let them happen to you!

Good communication is critical to any successful relationship. Unfortunately, many couples don’t always consider how they communicate over messaging as part of their good communication skills. The truth is people spend way more time messaging than actually talking over the phone. Therefore understanding basic do’s and don’ts of messaging in marriage will save you many headaches in the future.

Messaging is still fairly new when you consider the age of telecommunications. 

For the most part, couples know that rolling your eyes or yelling isn’t good communication. It doesn’t necessarily stop people from doing it, but at least they know it’s not helpful. Yet, do couples know how they text can cause someone to feel like you are yelling at them, or a simple emoji to your spouse can brighten their day.

In this podcast episode we have fun discussing some of the do’s and don’ts of messaging in marriage. This differs quite a bit verses dating so we thought we would split them in different shows. If you care to listen to the tips we share to those dating you can check that out too. It will definitely give you a perspective of how they differ.

We want to hear from you! What are some of your embarrassing moments? Did we miss something? What advice would you share when messaging?

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

Article by PastorWallace