Is a List of Wants Realistic when dating?

list of wants dating online

There’s a saying by Zig Ziglar, if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time. The same can be said when searching for a mate.

There are often two types of approaches when people are searching for a mate; those who have a clear idea of what they want in a future spouse, and those who play it by ear, more open to different possibilities. Is a list of wants realistic? I believe both approaches have their positives and negatives.

On one hand having an idea of what you are looking for can keep you from falling for any type of person. The truth is when dating there are many bad candidates. Having a clear idea of wants, can help you spot the bad apples and avoid them. Yet on the other hand sometimes people’s lists can cause them to approach relationships superficially. As a result a good candidate could cross their path, but they never give them a chance, because of shallow desires.

It’s proven that a great love relationship can come from the least expected places.

In this podcast we want to look at the criteria people set when searching and ask is a list of wants truly realistic when dating. We’ll go in-depth about the positives and negatives. We will also share steps you can take to find balance between the two extremes. Joining us on this episode is special guest D. Jare Campbell the author of The 24 Hour Rule.

We want to hear from you! What has your experience been with lists? Have you found them to help or complicate your pursuit for a spouse?

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Guest

Photo Copyright by Juliatim / 123RF Photo

Article by PastorWallace