Practical Tips for Dating Interracially

interracial couple

Dating someone of a different race isn’t always easy.

Often when people are of a different race there are differences. These can be cultural differences, religious differences, child rearing difference or even economic differences. Therefore, when trying to connect with somebody romantically where these differences apply, it can be challenging. What are practical tips that can help people dating interracially?

Dating interracially takes courage!

As much as we want to say we’re an inclusive society, the truth is in many areas we are not. Unfortunately, there is a negative stigma upon those who choose to date outside of their race. This can be spoken, but often times it’s unspoken. It’s the looks or the stairs a couple receives. A big part of dating someone of a different race is stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. Doing this takes courage.

God is not a respecter of persons and neither should we. Don’t allow cultural prejudices to keep you from possibly meeting and marrying an incredible person of a different race. In this podcast episode will share practical tips that will help you navigate some of the do’s and don’ts around interracial dating.

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

Article by PastorWallace