Congratulations, You’re Newlyweds! NOW WHAT?

Newlyweds Now What

What a wonderful feeling to be newlyweds, but now what?

There are an array of joyful emotions one feels when they first get married. The joy to fulfill a dream you’ve longed to see. The satisfaction of finally being able to reach a goal you’ve patiently waited for. The relief of finishing all the engagement and wedding planning obligations. Finally you are married, yet getting married is not the END, but rather the beginning. Congratulations, you’re newlyweds! Now what?

I’m always amazed within ministry the number of couples that have major challenges within the first year of marriage. I’ve seen these challenges become so great that some even begin to talk about divorce. How is it possible a couple in one breath can say I do, and in the next say I quit?

The first year of marriage can actually be one of the most difficult years of being married.

This is because there are so many different transitions and changes happening all at once. Even more so for those couples who have waited to move in until they are married. Buying a home or renting a home, where to move, budgeting, sex, sex disappointments, new schedules, new habits, old habits, cleaning differences: these are just a few of the many hurtles that newlyweds face when they begin their marriage journey together.

In this podcast episode Pastor Brian Wallace shares the exciting news of recently getting married, and offers fresh tips that will help others who are newlyweds, navigate this exciting yet fragile time. Whether single or marriage there is important information you can gain from this episode. There’s always something you can learn and pass on.

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

Article by PastorWallace