Let’s Talk Infidelity & the Derrick Jaxn Drama

infidelity & the Derrick Jaxn drama

What is all the buzz about Derrick Jaxn?

The social media buzz over the past week or so has been talking about Derrick Jaxn. Derrick is a self proclaim relationship expert who has given relationship advice over the past 8 years or so. He has used this platform to bash men who cheat and mistreat women. Yet, it has been revealed that he himself is a cheater. Yes, you heard that correctly. The person who is teaching people not to cheat is a cheater himself. We want to talk infidelity & the Derrick Jaxn Drama

Infidelity, unfortunately isn’t new.

Infidelity has hurt and destroyed relationships for hundreds of years. Part of our desire as a relationship resource is to help people avoid its pain. What makes Derrick’s situation so damaging is he wasn’t practicing what he was preaching, leaving a black eye on relationship resources that couples so desperately need to build strong lasting relationships.

In this podcast episode we will talk about infidelity & the Derrick Jaxn drama. We talk about the black eye it left and how people shouldn’t allow it to distract them from relationship resources. We will also talk about navigating adultery in marriage and what steps God would like a couple to take where there is infidelity.

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

Article by PastorWallace