Should you Date Multiple People at the Same Time?

Online dating compatibility when dating

A growing trend is the act of dating multiple people at the same time.

The truth is, dating is evolving! Much of this has to do with technology and how people meet. Before technology most people met through a friend connection, or at a social gathering. It was rare that once you engaged with one individual, that you simultaneously meet others, and begin to date them. This isn’t to say it didn’t happen, but it wasn’t as frequent as it is today. Through online dating and other resources. People are continually meeting new people, engaging in new dating interactions, while dating and interacting with others. Is this good; is it bad? Should one date multiple people at the same time?

We had a listener ask this very question, and shared some of the complications that can occur…

Hello, I’ve had success in the initial stages of online dating in part due to your episode on how to have confidence on a date. I am now seeing/dating a girl that I really like and feel long-term compatibility. It’s been almost a month and a half since we both met on a dating app and we’ve seen each other about 5 times. I initiated a conversation with her last week about where the relationship was going. We both expressed that we were indeed interested in each other beyond the profile that we saw and will continue to get to know each other as friends. 

We’re taking it slow and really taking the time to get to know this person. However, I believe this girl who I’m liking so much is dating/meeting other people during this time that we decided to take it slow. It’s good and bad. It feels special, but then it’s not. It’s affecting my excitement for her to think she is doing the same to other guys. It’s so easy for people to go on a dating app and receive new and a lot of interest from others. This modern online way of dating is so competitive. I feel people are choosing for like instead of love. Could you advise me on this please? 

I look forward to hearing back from you guys. Sincerely,

There are thousands and thousands of people experiencing this challenge, while navigating love in pursuit for a spouse.

In this podcast, we explore in depth the pros and cons and if one should date multiple people at the same time. We discuss when this is possibly appropriate and other moments when it is not. Ultimately, you want to guard your life from unnecessary drama. You also don’t want to be the person who misleads, and hurts others. You really just have to ask yourself, what do you want from dating, and where are your actions taking you? What you want and what you do doesn’t always line up.

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

Article by PastorWallace